A gas turbine with power output 10 MW in which pressure ratio is 12. The temperature of the air in the compressor inlet is 300 K, and the temperature of the air in the combustion chamber outlet is 1400 K. Assume that the isentropic efficiencies of the compression and expansion processes in the gas turbine are 0.85 and 0.88 respectively. Also assume that cp for pure, dry air can be used throughout the cycle where cp = 1.005 kJ/kg. Combine this gas turbine with a steam plant. In the combined plant hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine are used to generate steam for the steam turbine. Steam is generated by a counter flow heat transfer from the gas turbine exhaust, which is cooled to 150 °C. The steam plant operates at 50 bar and a peak temperature of 450 °C with a condenser pressure of 0.1 bar. Assume that the isentropic efficiency of the steam turbine is 0.85. provide formula and detailed calculation with numbers . ?not just give steps. Also, pls display nominator and denominator into 2 ?different horizontal lines, not in 1 ?horizontal lines