1. (a) Design a reinforced earth retaining wall using galvanized steel strip reinforcement in a granular backfill asshown in Figure 1 using the data given in Table 1. Check the internal and external stability. Assume thecorrosion rate of the galvanized steel is 0.025 mm/year and the life span of the structure to be 50 years.Required FSg-FSp-3.(b) Solve the same problem using Geo5 software.SkinWall dimension/SurchargeHFigure 1. Metallic strip reinforced MSE wall.6.0b a(m) (m) (m) kN/m^23.6 0.9080Steel ReinforcementW(mm)85(mL.m1.225HTable 1. Data for metallic strip reinforced MSE wall stability analysis.36FBackfillY118qlunit area-L= L-(kN/m^3)-w,Sand-L= LB Sand Y:6;In siu soil20EBase soilc'30Y2G(kPa) (kN/m?)20P