1. Do you believe you are the same person over time? Either way, what does "same" mean to you, and how do you know? 2. If Sam has dissociative identity disorder, should he be held accountable for causing the gas leak? Does it matter if he cannot remember doing it? Would Locke agree or disagree with your responses? 3. Immediately after viewing Memento, did you think Leonard remained the same person throughout the movie? Do you think the same way now? Why, or why not? 4. What was your initial response to the examples involving the cars? Prior to hearing of the two-car case, did you agree that the reassembled car was identical to the original car? Was the new-parts car identical to the original car? What did your intuitions tell you in the two-car case (when both the car with the new parts and the reassembled car existed)? Can a car be successfully teletransported from one place to another? 5. What would amnesia have to involve, what consequences would be required, before