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(Solved): can you please highlight the errors in this code to run it properly. i have tried multiple times and ...

can you please highlight the errors in this code to run it properly. i have tried multiple times and failed to execute. 

\( 2.4 \) LAB: Fixing errors in Kite
The program contains syntax and logic errors. Fix the syntax errors in the Develop mode
\( 2.4 \) LAB: Fixing errors in Kite The program contains syntax and logic errors. Fix the syntax errors in the Develop mode until the program executes. Then fix the logic errors. Error messages are often long and technical. Do not expect the messages to make much sense when starting to leam a programming language Use the messages as hints to locate the portion of the program that causes an error: One error often causes additional errors further along in the program. For this exercise, fix the first error reported. Then try to run the program again. Repeat until all the syntax errors have been corrected The correct output of the program is: Iong elde \( =12 \) Short gide \( =10 \) perimeter \( =44 \) main.py

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The first error in the program is in the line number 1 where the keyword int is used before the declaration of the variable long_side which is not allowed in python. The same error is also present on line number 2 of the program where the keyword int
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