Complete Matlab and or Simulink simulation of given problem. I need the matlab code and simulink screenshots. Show the results in graphs or tables. Comment on the results. Nonlinear SPM effect The nonlinear refractive index coefficient of silica-based SSMF is n_(2)=2.5 xx10^(-20)m^(2)//W. What is the effective area of the SSMF-you can refer to the technical specification of the Corning SMF-28 and its mode field diameter to estimate this area. Estimate the change in the refractive index as a function of the average optical power. Hence, estimate the total phase change as a resut of this nonlinear effect after propagating through a length L (in km ) of this fiber. Hence, estimate the maximum length L of the SSMF that the light waves can travel so that the phase change on this light wave carrier would be no higher than 0.1 rad . Show how you can generate a format that would have an RZ format and a sup- pression of the light wave carrier. Show that the width of the RZ pulse in this case is 67% of the bit period. Hint: you may represent the light waves in the path of the optical modulator, an optical interferometer by using phasors. First sketch the pha- sor of the input light wave, then those of the two paths, and then the phase applied onto these paths. Then sum up at the output to give the resultant output. For the pulse width you can estimate the width over which the amplitude fall to 1//sqrt2 of its maximum. Now show you can generate RZ pulse sequence with 50% and 33% pulse width of the bit period. Complete Matlab and or Simulink simulation of given problem. I need the matlab code and simulink screenshots. Show the results in graphs or tables. Comment on the results.