Problem Solving Activity For each response, [1"
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] State whether you are ACCEPTING or REJECTING that statement.
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Write a detailed explanation WHY you ACCEPT or REJECT ALL of the choices. The following problem-solving assessment is presented in a multiple-choice format. Each choice shou be considered individually and an argument should be whiten for accepting or rejecting it. Since the problem has one best answer, there should be one argument for accoptance and four for rejection. PROBLEM #1: A person enters the hospital because of pulmonic valve incompetence (pulmonary semilunar valve murmur). As a result of this condition, where is excessive blood most likely to accumulate? [A.] The left atrium. [B.] The right atrium. [C.] The left ventricle. [D.] The right ventricle. [E.] The pulmonary artery. 31