Question 1) The fuel in solid fuel model rocket burns for 3.0 s . While burning, the rocket moves upward with an acceleration of
. a. What is the vertical distance the rocket travels while the rocket is burning fuel and how fast has it traveling at the end of the burn? b. After the fuel stops burning, the rocket continues upward but now slowing at a rate of about 10
. Estimate the maximum height that the rocket reaches. What assumptions have you made in working this problem? \table[[Rubric Item,Criteria for adequate performance,P/F],[\table[[Is able to clearly explain their],[reasoning in words (F3)]],\table[[Student explains what they are doing and why. Explanation],[is clear, sufficiently detailed, easy to follow, and shows],[understanding.]],],[\table[[Is able consistently use multiple],[representations to solve a problem],[and evaluate consistency (A5)]],\table[[Two or more representations are constructed according to],[accepted standards learned in class, and the representations],[are consistent with each other. Student is able to explain in],[words how they checked that each representation is],[consistent with the other.]],],[\table[[Is able to choose and apply],[productive mathematical procedures],[for solving the problem (D7)]],\table[[Mathematical procedure is fully consistent with the problem],[description. Procedure is free of major conceptual errors.],[Final answer is meaningful.]],],[\table[[Is able to identify the assumptions],[made in using the mathematical],[procedure (D8)]],Sufficient relevant assumptions are correctly identified.,]]