QUESTION (2) For this circuit, VTH = 1 V R_{D} = 2k*Omega Ibias 2 mA K = 2mA / (V ^ 2) VccVEE10 V lambda = 0.01V ^ - 1 V_{G} = 1V C=C200 C a) Determine the gain vo/vi. Quality Check My Reviews (10 points) b) Determine the input and output resistance, Rin and Ro. (5 points) c) What is maximum peak to peak input voltage that can be applied while still keeping M? operating in the saturation region? (5 points) Useful formulae: for n-channel MOSFET IDS = K[2(VGS-VTHVDS-] IDS = K(VGS-VTH) (1+????) triode region saturation region Skip Review Exit ? +Vcc Ro M C R-VEE R