Confidence interval for \mu _(WEIGHT ),\sigma estimated.
Calculate the 95%\sigma 2^(nd ) group; then your group, 2^(nd ) group and 3^(rd ) group;
your group, 2^(nd ) group, 3^(rd ) group and the 4^(th ) group. Does the SE decrease as the sample
size increases? Report your results as \mu =\bar{x} +-SE as well as graph your answer with SE
on the y -axis and n on the x -axis.
Calculate confidence interval for \mu _(weight, )\sigma \sigma =13.95 95% confidence interval for the population mean weight. Did your confidence
interval capture the value of population mean?
t Table and t percentiles.
Let t_(df.p) denote a t percentile with df degrees of freedom with a left tail area of p . Then,
using the t table, determine the percentiles listed below.