The ilustration shows a nonconducting crlinder enclosed by a slim, concentric conducting cylindrical shell. Consider a segment of length \( L \) from the inner cylinder, which carries a uniform net charge oi \( +Q \) throughout its volume. Similarly, a segment of length L. from the outer shell has a net charge of \( +4 Q \). The radii of the inner cylinder is \( R \) and outer cylindrical shell is \( 3 \cdot R \), as shown in the cross-sectional view. a) Calculate the charge present on the onter surface of the cylindrical shell within the specified length L. b) Apply Gouss's law to derive the formula for the electric field at a point located a distance r from the center of a uniformly charged sphese, where \( r e) Using the provided coordinate axes marked with zones I, II, and III, draw the graph that represents the variation of the electric field E as a function of the radial distance r from the inner cylinder's central axis. f) Using the provided coordinate axes marked with zones I, II, and III, draw the graph that represents the variation of the electric potential V as a function of the radial distance r from the inner cylinder's central axis.