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(Solved): what's the summary of this article. It means telling your Embrick 841 children that they will not b ...

what's the summary of this article. It means telling your Embrick 841 children that they will not be fully accepted as equals in a world that privileges whites, and it means preparing them for a world in which they have to tread carefully for fear of their lives. In 2015 we ask ourselves again, echoing the question once posed by Martin Luther King, Jr., “where do we go from here?” The struggles for justice and democratic transformation through peaceful means have only resulted in the deaths of more brown and black folks. When peaceful means have been shown to give little to no justice, whites become surprised and angry at minority protesters who fight back through anger of their own. Yet, this is not a new phenomenon; minorities have always fought back against their oppressors in various ways, some peaceful, some not (Fanon, 1963; Kelley, 2002; Marable, 1997, 1999). In every era, whites have found ways to control minorities: through slavery, through Jim Crow laws, and now increasingly through state agencies. What do you do when police are given a free pass to murder brown and black bodies, are “caught” lying or trying to cover up their illegal actions, or whose actions when deemed inappropriate are often downplayed or ignored? How do you deal with a system in which police actions toward minorities are deemed legitimate in the eyes of most whites? Recent race scholars have called for a new black power movement (Marable, 1997), or a new civil rights movement (Bonilla-Silva, 2003). Central to this movement needs to be the firm understanding that in order to deal with racial and ethnic inequalities today we need to understand the “new racism” of the racialized social system (Bonilla-Silva, 1997, 2001, 2003). That is, despite positive changes in the legal system stemming from the Civil-Rights Era, the racial practices and mechanisms that have kept Blacks and other minorities subordinated have become less overt and more covert, subtle and ambiguous (Bonilla-Silva, 1997; Bonilla-Silva and Lewis, 2000; Smith, 1995). Further, despite the political and legal gains minorities have achieved in the past 50 years, and despite the fact that we have a black president occupying the highest political office in the US, the reality is that conditions for many blacks, Latino/as, and Indigenous Americans have become worse. The call for a new civil rights movement needs to recognize the larger collective in the struggle for inequality and justice against police and state brutality. This includes not only the blacklivesmatter movement, but also the Latino/alivesmatter, NativeAmericanlivesmatter, and womenlivesmatter movements. The progress forward must be well organized and embracing of the fact the struggle for equality has always been a struggle over race, class, and gender matters in America. One thing is clear: police violence toward brown and black bodies are not new, we just keep acting as if they are.

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