You are a community services worker who works at an organisation that provides short-term residential respite care to people with disability. You notice one of the clients, Olivia, is giving away her prized possessions, along with some other personal things, to other clients at the service. Olivia is a 16-year-old who has a physical disability and uses a wheelchair. Approximately four months ago, Olivia lost her mother to suicide. She had a close relationship with her mother who was her primary caregiver. Olivia’s parents divorced when she was four years old. Her father has since re-married and lives with his wife and their three children. After the death of her mother, Olivia moved in with her father, stepmother and their children. She was never that close to her stepmother and does not have a close relationship with her stepbrothers and sisters who are much younger than she is. Her father is a truck driver and works long days, often working up to 70 hours per week. Olivia’s grandmother, Lois, took on carer responsibilities after her mother’s death to help ensure Olivia gets the care and support, she needs. She visits Olivia each afternoon after she returns from school and remains with her until about 6.30 pm. Often Olivia complains to Lois that she cannot move around the house easily due to the furniture and children’s toys left out. She wants to live with Lois, though her father has said no several times to this request. You recall that on arrival at the service, her grandmother commented that Olivia seemed down over the past week or two and had been having trouble sleeping. She is concerned that Olivia is not eating properly and that she doesn’t seem interested in anything she talks about with her. What signs are evident that Olivia might be considering suicide?